Friends of the Port Townsend Library!
We always welcome more Friends. Support your library by joining the organization, donating books, volunteering, or all three.
Join the Friends and receive . . .
Satisfaction from sustaining our public library and community
Three newsletters a year
Early admission to book sales
Invitations to the Friends’ annual meeting and other gatherings​​
Donate books

We appreciate
Donations of clean books, DVDs, and CDs—all in good shape; please ask yourself, Would I buy this item? Sadly, we are able to sell only a third of the donated books we receive and must discard the rest. Books in unsalable condition cost the Friends time, effort, and money to cull and move out. So although we can again accept large donations comprising boxes of books, please help us by donating only books in good condition. For more information, email Thank you for thinking of us!​
We cannot take
Damaged books (underlined or written in; tattered covers; broken spines; torn, missing, or dog-eared pages; water damaged; mildewed or moldy)
Romance novels, Time-Life series, Reader’s Digest condensed books, textbooks, English-language dictionaries, or encyclopedias
Books with stapled or spiral bindings
Self-help books (e.g., miracle cures and diets) or computer books ten years old or older
VHS or audio cassette tapes
Just in case, other local options for large donations include:
Joseph Bednarik, local book seller, 360-531-4377
Goodwill, 360-385-6600; call in advance
Food Bank, children’s books only, 360-531-0275

If it looks like this, please don’t donate it!​
Volunteer for fun

Book sales
Book s​orting, boxing, transporting
Outreach, publicity
Web development
Graphic design
Occasional tasks
Create your own job!
Join our board
From time to time, we look for book and library enthusiasts to serve on our board. Comfort with computers is a must, as is an eagerness to work alongside friends and neighbors for the benefit of our library and community. We can really use someone with graphic design, web development, or other online skills. Please email us for more information.
The health of our civilization . . . and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries.
— Carl Sagan (1980)